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Bespoke Design...
Website Portfolio
Website Examples

This is the homepage of Dandy Web Design...

Website design methods utilising modern standards compliant and open source web technology from the LAMP family...

Website technology is a vast subject with so many different methodologies and softwares out there. This website is focused on a specific set of methods, all using relatively simple yet effective ideas based on freely available open-source software.

The site has two main directions which are reflected in the layout; On the one hand are many website examples and webpage utilities intended for show-case display. To complement these, and as the general raison-d'etre of this website, are a series of related technical articles covering subjects such as; CGI programing (Perl), JavaScript, CSS and DHTML as well as basics on running and maintaining a website on your own web-server.

The emphasis is on self-learning, using this site as one of many online resources, however the site is also a show-case; all of the ideas here could be implemented on your own website, DandyWebDesign may be able to help you.

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