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Website Design Considerations


Just as important as the layout and structure of your new website are the overall style and colour scheme. You may already have corporate colours to which you wish to work but if not you will need to do a little research as to what colour scheme will work best or suit you.

The most important issue is that the font should not be lost against the background colour, nor should it make people feel ill or give them a headache looking at it.

The best colour or contrast scheme is usually dark text on a light background, strong primary colours or black should be avoided as a background unless it is either in context, very carefully thought out or you are really sure that you have a suitable mix of colours.

The ideal background is white or a pale pastel colour, the human eye most easily reads dark on light. Also avoid making the text the same primary colour (just a difference in shade) as the background, people with colour vision defects (a surprisingly high percentage of males) will have trouble with this as they will only see the brightness contrast, if this is not that strong then the text will be very hard to read.

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