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DandyWebDesign Techmiscellanea

Welcome to the technical pages...
I have always been interested in programming, I started writing 'Basic' at school in the late 1970s but then I left school and gave it up for the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll lifestyle of any self-respecting twenty-something. Meanwhile, computers got more advanced and rapidly passed me by, relegating me back to the ranks of the non-computer-literate. But in the mid 90's I got myself an old Windows PC and gradually got my head round it, within a few months I had figured out how to make it do what I wanted and as the saying goes I have never looked back since.

I have worked in many areas of computing and along the way I have picked up many languages and skills, however the most useful (and pertinent here on this website) is web-programing using a combination of HTML, xHTML, JS, DHTML, Perl, CSS, MySQL, PHP, Apache & CGI techniques. Behind the scenes, shell programing using both DOS and unix proves invaluable to manage and maintain the many files that go to make up a modern website.

The information here does not purport to be the sum of all knowledge, there are many other websites out there that will give far more detail on any particular subject, but it does have a good range of detailed information, with many working examples, covering most aspects of website creation, setup and maintenance. The ultimate goal of this website is to give you enough information to go out and do this for yourself. But if you are in a hurry or do not have the time or skills to do it yourself then get in touch with who may be able to help you.

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